**The Clash
I can't explain why but I'm in a funk. I don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. I'm able to function but not with any sort of savoir-faire. My husband came home for lunch and took me out for sushi to try to break my mood. I believe at one point I said "Um..is it ok if we don't talk?"
I guess I'm writing this because D may come here in the hopes that I spilled my guts out to the blogsphere as to the reason for my funk. Sorry, sweetie. This is a phase and it'll pass. And no, there's nothing you can do to help me. However, as a rule of thumb, diamonds and/or chocolate will never be frowned upon.
I can't explain why but I'm in a funk. I don't want to talk to anyone or do anything. I'm able to function but not with any sort of savoir-faire. My husband came home for lunch and took me out for sushi to try to break my mood. I believe at one point I said "Um..is it ok if we don't talk?"
I guess I'm writing this because D may come here in the hopes that I spilled my guts out to the blogsphere as to the reason for my funk. Sorry, sweetie. This is a phase and it'll pass. And no, there's nothing you can do to help me. However, as a rule of thumb, diamonds and/or chocolate will never be frowned upon.
Oh I get like that sometimes and all I want and need is to be left alone to drag myself out of this mood. No hugging, kissing, talking.....
im that way too. i think its the hormones acting up...
when i get like that Ed and i sit at our computers side by side and work quietly....feels strangely blissful somehow.
wanna exchange some junk to feel better?
Yeah, me too. I've long given up trying to find reasons for why I sometimes feel blurghhh. It's just what it is and it passes.
Aw, feel better mint.
*super hugs*
Hope you feel better soon. Just on the off chance you might be inclined to listen to it, Tom Petty's I Won't Back Down blasted on high gets me out every time.
No diamonds or chocolate. Only a tag. Sorry:(
If you don't have a middle name you're supposed to make one up. Seriously, I don't like this tag v. much so no pressure from me.
I know just the feeling. And nothing makes it worse than someone trying to make it better...
Hope you are feeling better!
Hey, it's been long Mint.
where is you?
There's no smoke without fire..
Reflect on it and weed out the problem so that it doesn't crop up again....
Just a thought....
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