Sunday, June 05, 2005

Let My Love Open the Door

I had a moment of bliss yesterday. I was surrounded by people at our yard sale who were buying up all my clutter, D was making the baby laugh, and the boy was manning his lemonade stand using his charm to force people into imbibing in his tart elixir. Life is good. Of course good things don't last forever. By the end of the day, everyone is hot and cranky and in need of a good nap, but I didn't let the initial moment pass. I've been thinking a lot about my best friend Ley. She confided in me last week that she has been suffering from sudden panic attacks. One moment she's fine and the next she's filled with overwhelming fear that harm will come to her loved ones. She's suffered silently for a month but now the attacks are affecting her work life and leave her paralyzed in finishing her graduate degree. I'm sure the stress of trying to find an internship, dealing with a job she hates as well as a boyfriend who won't commit to marriage is getting to her. She's decided to seek professional help and I applaud her for that. In the meantime, I advise her to take one day at a time and try to focus on the good. So yesterday I transformed the moment when my front yard was crowded with people and D was lounging on a blanket with the baby and the boy was spilling lemonade all over the table into my moment of bliss. Life is good.

Picture time. I almost posted a picture of the family but decided instead to use my version of Jay's All-Disguising Black Bar Across The Eyes trick.

Here we have the boy.
He was eating an ice cream cone and it's a wonder he got any in his mouth. He proceeded to get his sticky hands all over the interior of the car. As hard as I tried, I couldn't find the bliss in that.


Anonymous Anonymous says...

So J's to blame for this new trick, huh? Is everyone going to do this?!! I protest! I want photos with no black banners, no back shots, no side shots (are you listening, Motheater), no hair shots. Hmph.

Sun Jun 05, 12:27:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Sunrayz says...

What a lovely post.... :) Just touched me and made me smile.

Sun Jun 05, 03:32:00 PM CDT  
Blogger The Box says...

One thing we don't have in KL is yard sales. It's not like we don't get the concept (my flatmate and I had one when we were in Melbourne), it's just never done. It might have something to do with having strangers over to your place or something. Instead, we have flea markets.

You mentioning your friend Ley also made me realise we don't exactly have a lot of shrinks you can go to. Everyone has a dentist / lawyer / shrink in western countries I think. If I ever needed help (and quite a few friends have hinted so, bastards) I really wouldn't know where to start.

I like the way you did the pix of the little one. I think if you can get away with about 20 and still maintain the shots' character, you'll prolly be able to turn it into a coffee table book.

Sun Jun 05, 10:49:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Rat says...

aaaaw ! Thats such a cute photo.

Sun Jun 05, 11:23:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Vignesh says...

I remember having a yard sale of sorts in Madras before I left. I dont think I 'sold' anything, just managed to get rid of all the stuff that knew someone else wanted... *sigg*

Mon Jun 06, 02:41:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Jay says...

Hey don't blame me for it! Besides, if it wasn't for the ADBBATE Minty might not even have posted that chopped-off picture (which, incidentally, is quite cute even though we CAN see the mush in and around his mouth).

Sometimes when I'm having a really good time, when all the planets seem to be aligned just right and I experience this bliss, I force myself to pause and recognise it for what it is. There are so few of these moments around, every single one is worth acknowledging.

Mon Jun 06, 04:40:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous says...

hi minty!
i read ur blog regularly. in fact, u r on my blogroll. just that i had never commented before. i thought i would leave a comment because that post appealed a LOT to me. u r right. living life moment by moment is the best thing to do. i agree with u. :)

Mon Jun 06, 09:09:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous says...

hi minty!
i read ur blog regularly. in fact, u r on my blogroll. just that i had never commented before. i thought i would leave a comment because that post appealed a LOT to me. u r right. living life moment by moment is the best thing to do. i agree with u. :)

Mon Jun 06, 09:09:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous says...

oops! my URL in the upper comment is wrong. dont click on that link. :D

Mon Jun 06, 09:10:00 AM CDT  

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