Ladies and gentlemen, I present the ultimate in blog laziness (aka have your kid do it for you).
Thank you SO very much for your concern. I feel sorta silly admitting it was due to both the Girl's and Boy's birthday over the span of 2 weeks. June turns into 40 days and 40 nights of celebration. One last party this weekend with the Wisconsin folks and we're finally done. There are pictures but I haven't taught the Girl to upload them yet. We'll set it as a goal for her 3rd birthday.
Thank you SO very much for your concern. I feel sorta silly admitting it was due to both the Girl's and Boy's birthday over the span of 2 weeks. June turns into 40 days and 40 nights of celebration. One last party this weekend with the Wisconsin folks and we're finally done. There are pictures but I haven't taught the Girl to upload them yet. We'll set it as a goal for her 3rd birthday.