Hiya. So I can hear you ask "Minty, where the heck have you been?" I've been here and there and everywhere. Wanted to post for a while but I'm so rusty at this point. Until I get back in the swing of things I shall utilize the beloved bullet-style post:
The kids on the first day of school (September, 08)
- I'm totally in denial that summer is over. It's gonna be a long, hard winter. (For all you Office fans out there "That's what she said!")
- D and I completely gutted the basement and redid it. I asked for a remodeled family room for Christmas (2007). By the time St Patrick's Day rolled around I was no closer to having a lick of work done. I, of course, took that opportunity to remind D that I purchased him a limited edition Gibson electric robot guitar for X-mas and unless he wanted to lose it in the divorce he better get off his ass and start knocking down walls. It turned out beautiful. However I only invite over people who pretend not to notice the unevenness of the ceiling.
The Boy is a 3rd grader. Where has the time gone?? I took him for his annual physical over the summer and he's at the 90th percentile for height. I noticed that he had a lot of female admirers at his summer camp which he was completely oblivious to. Unless you can throw a baseball 20 feet he doesn't have time for you.
- The Girl turned 4 and is now in preschool. Her will is so strong and I struggle with raising her without breaking it. D is so tightly wound around her tiny pinkie it's not even funny.
The kids on the first day of school (September, 08)
- My sister Dr J and her hubby bought a house way put in the boonies. Her husband is convinced that I've given Dr J some magic elixir that causes her to want to become a suburban soccer mom.
- I received wedding invitations from 2 fellow bloggers. Congrats to The Box and Me. Both of their wedding albums make me want to marry D again just so we can get a better photographer.
- I met my first blogging friend! Had lunch with Beks and her friend Betty (and Betty's adorable son). Everyone was great and hopefully Beks wasn't too disappointed when she met me. ; )