Another busy weekend. I wasn't going to post today but I noticed that our friend
Rat did and I think we should all post today to show Rat that blogging more often than once a month is a good thing. : )
Friday I organized a conference with this local chapter that I belong to. Basically our membership is 100+ but it's the same 5 people that organize all the events. The president of the chapter is a guy I've known for a while now. He's always trying to get me to fix him up with someone but then he gets all giggly and frankly, a giggly guy is so not cool. This is too bad because he's quite smart (finishing his PhD) and successful (works for a pharmaceutical company). Anyway he noticed this girl sitting in the last row and leans over to me and says that she's "his type" and if I have any friends who look like that *wink wink*. I smile and go back to half-listening to our speaker. During the break, the brunette that he had pointed to comes up to me and says "Hi, I'm so and so". Turns out that she works for my neighbor and I've been trying to send business their way for a few months. My friend's eyes nearly fall out of his head when he saw me talking to the girl of his dreams (at least for the past 45 minutes). When we all go back to our seats he wants details. He then proceeds to get irked that I didn't work him into the conversation. Sure dude, the next time I speak to her I'll say "Oh by the way, see that stalker guy drooling all over himself in the corner, he'd like to have your mean meet you". In the end I introduce them and they talk for like 10 minutes and he leaves on cloud nine because he got her number. I didn't have the heart to remind him that she gave him her card with her work number while they were talking about work stuff.
Saturday was my cousin's 1st communion and party. This is my uncle's (mom's youngest brother) kid and I adore all of them. The oldest is 12, the boy 9 and the youngest girl is 8 and they are the sweetest kids. My father noted that the Girl never wears any of the "frocks" he brings back from India so for the special occasion I dressed the Girl up in a blue fluffy number with pearl beading and sequins.

As you can see she's so pleased to be wearing it.

The Girl and cousins

The Boy and cousin

This picture is dedicated to
Smugbug's last post. Hopefully the picture won't end up on a creepy website about long hair.
The oldest of all my cousins is in town from India. She has been staying with my parents for the past few weeks and will meet up with her husband in June off the coast of South America. Her husband is a captain of a import vessel and travels the world 6 months out of the year. They miss each other like crazy when they're apart but drive each other nuts during their time together. We invited my parents, cousin and everyone else over to our place for dinner on Sunday. My cousin insisted that we shouldn't cook and that she wanted to have some authentic Chicago pizza.
Now it's Monday morning and all I can think about is taking a nap. I have a meeting at noon which means that I have to actually wash my hair. Our company has been toying with the idea of having video phones so we can all "connect visually". I'm in jeans and a nike t-shirt with my hair in a pony tail on top of my head a la a sumo wrestler. The look I'm going for says "best enjoyed over the phone".